How to get peaceful living on G+

Before I introduce blog notebook, we have to check our environment. I think 'Following and Follower' these two words are very bad words. I don't know who made these. But these can harm our living.

We can get many people's posts in one place because of this streaming technology. Also, we don't need to visit someone to know his new post. But, if someone follows you, you have to follow him too. And if you want to make your followers, you have to follow someone.

So now, when you wake up or when you start your internet work, you will get someone's interesting posts first. But this is not a good way. You need to get a morning of clean sky. So, luckily Google+ have got a good function for this. Simply, make one circle - put all of your 'Followings' to there - Circle settings - Amount of posts in your home stream - None.

Now, I guess you can get a good morning.

